PFL Become Growing Community

by Sang

The Procurement Freelancers Community is the perfect place to find your next job in the procurement industry, connect with Organizations around the world, and sign new contracts.

A few weeks ago, we opened the platform for the registration of the best profiles of procurement Experts. Here we are forty-six days later with more than two hundred procurement Experts like you in the Procurement Freelancers Community. Our basic idea at the launch of this alpha version is to attract 500 experts from all categories within the community.

Achieving this goal will allow us to open the platform to organizations to publish their projects. Our community has never stopped growing and although we have not yet reached 500 members, we are not far from reaching that figure. Our achievements, we owe it to you!

You are one of the pillars of this achievement. We thought you will need to be aware of the progress we are making with you. The chart below shows the total number of freelancers obtained per week since the opening of the platform to freelancers. The picture on the right, the ranking in descending order, of the number of freelancers per country. The US is in first place this week, followed by India in second place (I would say it may be an opportunity to invite experts from your region to join your community). Simply move your cursor to enlarge the image.

Every day we are inspired in an innovative way to improve the solutions offered by to provide a place of trust that guarantees the security of both parties. When the circle grows, it offers companies the opportunity to find and contact the best expert as soon as their work is posted.

Procurement Freelancers is for you! Do you think something should work differently, contact us now by click here.

Thank you for you time

Emmanuel Tankpinou
Business Development Manager 

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